Mission Statement

We are committed to providing excellent quality mental health services to behavioral and mentally challenged individuals. Our services are characterized by a high level of ethics and integrity. We work as a team to ensure our patients receive excellent care in an efficient, compassionate, and in a respectful manner.

We stand behind our promise to be:

History of the Agency

Female counselor with young couple

Alternative Behavioral Solutions, Inc. believes that people recover from mental illness by choosing their own path to recovery. You are the person who determines your path and your path to recovery by using a person-centered approach. The dedicated staff of ABS will assist you in your journey by focusing on your strengths, assets, needs, abilities, and preferences. At ABS, we hope that we are able to help you find ways to manage illness and create a meaningful life for you to function better at home and in your community.

The ABS staff is trained to provide you with services that reinforce hope in you and your family’s lives. In addition, our staff members are trained to follow a strict code of ethical and professional conduct. This code helps us to provide the highest quality of services. The guiding values of our code are excellence, integrity, respect, teamwork, responsibility, trust, service, value, and fairness.

ABS, Inc. partners with the LME (Local Management Entity) and Medicaid in order to provide you with a variety of services. Depending on the county in which you live, services offered may include Clinical Assessments, enhanced mental health, and residential Level III services.